Welcome to the internet's very best nintnedo fan page! We offer Nintnedo fans top quality content; from history to characters you name it! Start your journey with us by squizzing through our other pages.

Gamers young to old. Anyone can spend hours browsing through FANTENDO. Fantendo will soon become your go to nintnedo fan page.
Nintendo is one of the leading gaming companies. Did you know that Nintnedno was oringially a playing card comapny which was founded in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi?

Nintendo FACT - Speakging in terms of data, even the most popular NES games were no larger than 6 Megabits! Look how far Nintendo has advanced! The Nintendo Labo demonstrates the complexity of Nintendo games today. The labo is an interactive game where users create their own controls with cardboard. WOW!
Fantendo is the ideal wesbite for gamers seeking for more. More interesting concepts and awesome facts that could potentially make you the winner of a trivia! Please consider looking through our site. Fantendo is passionate in making our users satisfied and happy.
What nintendo character resembles you the most? Princess Peach? Or maybe Link? Do you want to find out which Nintendo character you really are? Click here to find out now.

At laudém cónsulatu méí, cu éos æssum éripuit! Aperiri plaÞonem aÞ eum, vis íuvarét élaborareÞ no, ad qúó cöngue melíús omittam. Élit növum öcurrereÞ ius et, mél liber propriae ín. Timeam imperdiét mea ea, qúo virtute alíénum accusam Þe, hæs éa íriure simílíque adipíscing! Ne postea commune mei, té légere facílisi forensíbús qui.
Mario and his friends await.. Click another page to start gaining random facts and information fast.
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